Match 12 : Men's Division 1, 2018/19

Competition : 
Match Date : 
Sunday, 11 November 2018 - 7:00pm
Match Result : 
Confirmed Result
Note that "R. Velarde" was not recorded on the scoresheet roster, but was apparently the player subbed in the 3rd set with shirt 5. I've added them to the online recording of the result after discussion with Lynne Howitt at WHVC and the scorers. Scorers said that WHVC captain did inform them that another player was due and that they would introduce themselves on arrival, but they never did.
Add fixture to calendar 2018-11-11 19:00:00 Kings v Hawks Europe/London HVA RSS, Langley Hill, Kings Langley, WD4 9HG

* League Points are awarded as follows: 1 point for playing, 1 point per set won and 2 points for a win. In the unlikely event of a draw due to time-restrictions, each team gets 1 point for the draw.

Match Venue

RSS, Langley Hill, Kings Langley, WD4 9HG